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Yesterday was my mum's birthday. My mum very much wanted us to make her dinner. Since it was her wish, we decided to make it come true.... So the night before, my sister and I were sitting in front of the internet and searching for recipes. My good-for-nothing sister were picking out all the hardest dishes one can ever find...she was just too over-excited. Obviously I would have to do most of the cooking...Anyways, after much "heated discussions", we decided to make chicken manchurian and mushroom curry. In case my sister reads this post..I have to let you guys know this. My sister found the mushroom curry recipe while I found the chicken manchurian recipe. So we printed out the recipes and decided to cook in the afternoon on the next day.... The next afternoon, at around 2pm, we decided to start cooking. I looked at the recipes and realised we didn't have some of the ingredients. Both of us went to the supermarket nearby at least twice!Finally...when we had all of the things, we started. My sister, instead of doing anything constructive, kept bullying me...while I was trying to follow the recipe. She kept taking ugly pictures of me!! She helped me grate the ginger though..that was about all the useful work she did...I will let the pictures do the talking...
That's me reading the recipe and figuring out the next step, next is my sister grating the ginger and the last is our maid...she helped us cut the onions and all that stuff. That's me cooking....
The final result....
Looks good isn't it??I am proud to say that they tasted as well as they looked:D...But I have one confession to mum helped me abit here and there. However, we did most of the cooking. The whole afternoon was well worth most importantly my mum loved it!
Complaining about studies as usual....and someone mentioned the phrase "NO PAIN, NO GAIN" just for motivation. Suddenly, one went on to say...."yeahhh....NO PAIN, NO LOSS..get it?get it?" The rest were giving uhhh-what-on-the-earth look...only to realise that person was on a different frequency altogether...and no we soo didnt get it!Finally deciding to pay the university amenities fees, one went proudly to the cashier and presented him with the bill. Cashier was staring at the bill, looking all puzzled. The person was all ready with the student card and the bank card. The cashier...looked at the bill for a looongg time...n pointed out that the amenities fees had already been paid. The person looked confused and saw the bill properly for the FIRST TIME...and realised the fees was paid. The person....trying not to look foolish....jz smiled and thanked the cashier and left as quicky as possible. The cashier was laughing by then...Trying to look all smart and important, one went up to the lecturer to ask a question after a lecture...for the first time. That person was trying to figure out the answer using some equation given during lecture and somehow couldn't get it. The person showed the lecturer the workings and he pointed out that the equation was was supposed to be 2 not Z. Basically, the person copied down the wrong formula. Finally realising the mistake...the person jz left...During dinner..."Broadway?" "Bombay? no not Bombay...Delhi.." As usual...different frequency....(Broadway is a shopping centre near our uni)Two people were walking together to of them happened to look elsewhere for a while and when the person turned back...the other one was at least 1 metre away!Apparently, the other person almost tripped and landed up 1 metre away...."I am soooo hungry...." "But you jz ate half an hour ago!""That was half an hour I am hungry again!"...and to prove the point, the person's stomach starts grumbling...LOUDLY..."Have you seen my ear-phones""Uhhh...noo....better check the pantry...might have left it there the last time..."Didn't find it there and after a few days later,"I found my ear-phones!!""Oh cool!where did you find it?""In my pants pocket!And I had given them for washing...""So your ear-phone was in the washing machine too??Are they still working??"" they are cleann....and they work too!!"...with a huge grin...One fine afternoon....3 people were in a of them was busy smelling the hand of the other....which smelt like cranberry-flavoured cream. The only person not busy in the room suddenly said.."Hey!listen to this phrase....'Looking for a treasure...may I see ur chest?'"The person who was still busily smelling the hand and not listening to a single word.....automatically looked down at her OWN chest!!Two people sitting in a room...."I want chai..""I need to wash my cup...""Chaiiiii....""Cupppp....""Chaiiiii....""Cupppp..."...and it went on for a few times...(chai=tea)Sounding really retarded...both of them really lost it!Went to the city one day...jz to buy food...Went to BOTH KFC and Mcdonalds!Bought tons of food..and hogged practically from afternoon till late night!!Some acted as if they have not eaten for the past few days!!They had this hugee satisfied smiles on their faces!!And how can I forget....CALTEX!!!!for late night cravings....mostly sausage rolls....sushi....and risotto!! tyical life in Perth....Who are these people you ask??Go figure!ok...I better get back to studying!!
Today was a very special was THE day of our floor outing. I woke up early today, which rarely happens on a normal weekend, and got ready. We were going to Burswood for lunch. Burswood is quite popular here in Perth as there is a hugee casino...and well people jz love to gamble. Apparently, they even have a hotel there....and even restaurants. We were going for a buffet in one of the restaurants. Everyone of us were quite excited as we followed our 'resident advisor' or RA like little kids going on some field trip. This was a good chance to mingle around and get to know our neighbours...When we first got there, we were a bit taken aback by the crowd. There were sooo many people and the queue for the food was huge! We were wondering why it was so crowded...until we saw a couple dressed as bride and groom...there was a wedding reception going on. All of us were reallyyy hungry by then and after we kept our bags down and went straight for the food. The first section as we went to take food, was filled wif desserts!They looked soo delicious. I was actually contemplating whether to jz have the dessert. My friend, 'No', was even worse..she wanted to start from the desserts and go back to the main course. Reluctantly, she gave up the idea. First, we went to the salad bar..or the cold bar. There were mainly seafood and abit of salad. I am not really into seafood so I didn't have much (since I was planning to hog on sweets). 2 other friends, M and N, filled their plates with almost everything. M's face was priceless...she was acting as if she has never eaten food for the past 5 years at least. After finishing our starters, we went to the next section..which was the main course. The main course wasn't that good and again I didn't have much. Finally, it was time for desserts!'No' and I excitedly went to the dessert section. There were soo many different types of sweets! From cheese cakes, to sponge cakes with chocolate on top, to tarts, to coffee cakes, and the best part was this hugee CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN! There were marshmallows to go with the chocolate. We went crazy when we saw all that. We took each of almost everything and of course marshmallows with loads of chocolate on top. Now usually I don't eat too much of sweets...but today I ate excessive amount of sweets! It's like as if I have 'sweet diarrhea'!!After finishing almost all of whatever I took, I was very very very full and felt very very very guilty for eating that much. To lessen the guilt, I ended up eating fruits...though I doubt that would help. There was this waitress who was serving us and she was soo cool. She was asking us to guess where she came from. 'Switzerland', 'Italy', 'France', 'Lebanon' and some other countries were mentioned but they were allll wrong...She came from Hungary it seems. The whole time she kept asking us how the food was and we all said we liked it...and she kept saying, "Bull-****". The way she was commenting about food and people were really funny!!!We jz couldn't stop laughing.When I was finally done, I couldn't sit anymore. I wanted to walk around since I was sooo full!!To make matters worse, I started feeling very sleepy. I could have actually fallen asleep right there and then. Thank goodness everyone was done too and we left. M and I, and a few others decided to head back...while the others decided to gamble. This is where M and I did the stupidiest thing. Usually we have to buy tickets to get into the train...but sometimes the authorities don't check and we decided to take the risk. We boarded the train without buying a ticket...but then again we were rushing for the train. So anyways, we got out of the train at our stop and we were near the exit when we saw...not 1 but 2 authorities CHECKING the tickets!!!We were trapped and were in bigg trouble!!I tried to use my 'SmartRider'(it is like a value card which can be used for both buses and trains) but that was completely out of money. The authorities called us. One was dealing wif M and the other one dealing with me. The authority dealing with me checked my card using this machine..and found out that I didn't use it at all. He said,"Basically you are travelling with no ticket" and I jz gave him this blank look..I couldn't do anything else anyways. Lucky for us, they were really nice and the one dealing with me asked me to buy a ticket there itself and show it to him. I did that and I was free to go and before leaving he told me,"At least it's better than paying $50"...and yea I is MUCH better...BOTH of us learnt a very important lesson...ALWAYS ALWAYS buy tickets before travelling in trains....Then we came back to our rooms and I had to take medicine since I was feeling very bloated. M went to sleep and I was jz walking around and writing this blog...and well now I am done. Overall, it has been a very eventful day...Hmm...I think I am going to sleep for awhile. I can barely keep my eyes open...
Yes...I know it has been a looooongggg time since I last updated. It's not my problem...I just couldn't find anything to write about...and oh well...I was too lazy to think of something..hehe...Anyways, finally I found something worth blogging about and so here it goes.... Our long-awaited easter break started this week. We wanted to enjoy just 1 day of the whole week before hitting the books (sad life..sigh..). So we decided to head to Fremantle!!Since it has been a lonnggg time since we last went there. This is the first time..and I really mean FIRST TIME that something we have planned actually worked out. So we made all sorts of plans from the week before...calling up people...forcing some people to come along...deciding what time to go and all that. Trust me..all of us were very excited. We were behaving like school kids going for a field trip. We decided to be ambitious and wanted to catch the 953am bus..which is usually impossible as we tend to wake up wayyy later than that.
And was impossible to catch that bus...we had to catch the next bus as everyone was dilly dallying. I had to make frantic calls to everyone. The best part of the whole day was the bus journey to Freo..this drunkard boarded the bus and tried to 'seduce' my friend. It was kind of amusing and sick. Thank goodness he left after awhile. After a half n hour ride, we were finally at Freo!!I was really excited..and I could feel other people's excitement. It was such a beautiful day too...not too hot yet not to cold. Some people got hungry the minute we reached Freo (any guesses??). So we had to eat first. Before that though, our attention got diverted by the beach and a funny-looking car...Here are some pictures:
 At the beach...:
 Who are the 2 'extras' at the back?? hehe... "I'm the man....."
A trolley was found lying around...and one of them suddenly had the idea of putting ME into that trolley:
I actually fit into that trolley!!!
After all that, we went to eat. Seafood there is really we had a huge meal. We ate to our hearts' content. After eating, we 3 girls were waiting for another friend. The guys went ahead. We 4 girls headed to the beach again and took more pics: 
 We had enough of 'cam-whoring' and joined the guys. Someone smartly used her brains and brought UNO cards and we ended up playing UNO for a bit. In Freo, you can actually borrow a 'car-scooter' for an hour and go around the place. We still had time to kill and so we decided to borrow one. Each of us took time to drive that..It was soo much fun!!!Except the main driver was kind of paranoid of us girls driving. He was scared we would crash or something. One minute he was asking us to go fast and the next minute he was screaming "Break!Break!". At the end, he said he felt his BP rise...sheesh he didn't have to exaggerate so much... This is how it looked like:
 After an hour of that, we headed to the city of Freo. We walked around and after buying some food...we headed home. It was one of my best days in Perth. I really hope we have more of such days...ok then...I think I have written a lot!hope you enjoyed it!! :)
Tomorrow is one of those 'special' days. In my family, these days are celebrated quite grandly and is totally incomplete without gifts or we prefer to call it, a small token of love. Wondering why tomorrow is special? Tomorrow is my parents' 21st anniversary...and following the family tradition, my sister and I try to make or buy something. Usually we try to make something as it is more unique and frankly I am tired of photo frames. So each year, I would crack my brains to come up with something new...This year is no different and after much discussions and quarrels (as usual), we have decided to come up with a collage. From there, we planned the rest. I will bring you through from the beginning till the end...
Firstly, we needed to get a board. Since my sister's school doesn't really sell those big boards (that's wat she claims), I had to get it. Thank goodness I was I could easily buy. You know what was the size of the smallest board in the shop??It was 75 by 50cm!! I had no choice but to get that huge board. As usual, whenever we try to do something in secret, we would have tons of problems. For example, the board was so big that we couldn't find a suitable hiding place. We couldn't hide it under our bed cos my mum vacuums the floor regularly. Anyways, I finally managed to find one...praying my mum wouldn't check that cupboard. Secondly, someone had to draw swans...according to our plans. As my dear sister was too busy with her school, I, who is pretty useless in art, had to do it. I should say I am quite proud of my swans, considering I used to fail art in school. Though painting them was quite a disaster..but I managed to cover it up with 2-3 coats of paint. The one useful thing my sister did was to print out the pictures from school..This was the result after the swans and the collage (the date is wrong btw): 
After that, we added stickers (contributed by my sister) and decorated a bit using the glittery tape that I thankfully bought..cos without it we would have nothing to decorate with. I left the decorating to my sister. Then, I came up with a grand idea..we thought of making "garlands" so that they would look like curtains. Of course, it didn't exactly turn out to be a curtain..Anyways, to make the garlands, I thought of using paper and putting it through thick thread. I (as usual as my sister refused to do it), had to sit down n poke holes through god knows how many pieces of paper...more than 8 at least..all RECYCLED by the hands were aching like anything at the end...This is what it looked like:
Trust was alot of hard work...
After which, we had to do the last bit..which was to write 'HAPPY ANNIVERSARY'...which I did using the glittery tape. 
This was the result so far...
Sat down till 12 midnight to finish up the words. Today, finally attached the 'garlands'..Again we had problem. We thought it would stick with super glue but it didn't work. We ended up using blue tac...and voila: It looks pretty ok to us..we can't wait to present them this tomorrow morning. We are really anticipating their reactions. Many times, our dear mother, nearly caught us red-handed. As all other times, whenever we have some secretive work, she would keep checking on us for no apparent reason. Well, finally our mission and this post is over...
By the way, the ideas here are one is allowed to copy:D
A cold wind blows, making her shiver slightly, still she follows, the road silently.
Darkness surrounds, as she gropes, to find her way around.
As she steps on thorns, littered all over the ground, she leaves a trail of blood behind, she still doesn’t make a sound,still doesn’t really mind.
The path has boundaries, that cannot be crossed over, she can never be, completely free, still the memories,that were forged, will remain forever.
Dreams never came true, when she really tried, still she kept going through, even when she cried.
There is no one, to catch her fall, no one, to confide at all.
Completely alone, with no one by her side, she has to walk, on her own, without any guide.
Badly bruised, badly hurt, badly broken, all the way inside, still she has refused, to hide.
She still smiles, still laughs, pretending all this while, that everything is alright.
The happiness, she shows, covers the emptiness, that is always below.
She still keeps hoping, still searching, for something, she doesn’t quite know, or understand so.
She will keep walking, and keep looking, no matter how lonely, or how trying, the path can be...