Yes...I know it has been a looooongggg time since I last updated. It's not my problem...I just couldn't find anything to write about...and oh well...I was too lazy to think of something..hehe...Anyways, finally I found something worth blogging about and so here it goes....
Our long-awaited easter break started this week. We wanted to enjoy just 1 day of the whole week before hitting the books (sad life..sigh..). So we decided to head to Fremantle!!Since it has been a lonnggg time since we last went there. This is the first time..and I really mean FIRST TIME that something we have planned actually worked out. So we made all sorts of plans from the week before...calling up people...forcing some people to come along...deciding what time to go and all that. Trust me..all of us were very excited. We were behaving like school kids going for a field trip. We decided to be ambitious and wanted to catch the 953am bus..which is usually impossible as we tend to wake up wayyy later than that.
And was impossible to catch that bus...we had to catch the next bus as everyone was dilly dallying. I had to make frantic calls to everyone. The best part of the whole day was the bus journey to Freo..this drunkard boarded the bus and tried to 'seduce' my friend. It was kind of amusing and sick. Thank goodness he left after awhile. After a half n hour ride, we were finally at Freo!!I was really excited..and I could feel other people's excitement. It was such a beautiful day too...not too hot yet not to cold. Some people got hungry the minute we reached Freo (any guesses??). So we had to eat first. Before that though, our attention got diverted by the beach and a funny-looking car...Here are some pictures:

At the beach...:
Who are the 2 'extras' at the back?? hehe...
A trolley was found lying around...and one of them suddenly had the idea of putting ME into that trolley: I actually fit into that trolley!!!

We had enough of 'cam-whoring' and joined the guys. Someone smartly used her brains and brought UNO cards and we ended up playing UNO for a bit. In Freo, you can actually borrow a 'car-scooter' for an hour and go around the place. We still had time to kill and so we decided to borrow one. Each of us took time to drive that..It was soo much fun!!!Except the main driver was kind of paranoid of us girls driving. He was scared we would crash or something. One minute he was asking us to go fast and the next minute he was screaming "Break!Break!". At the end, he said he felt his BP rise...sheesh he didn't have to exaggerate so much... This is how it looked like:

After an hour of that, we headed to the city of Freo. We walked around and after buying some food...we headed home.
It was one of my best days in Perth. I really hope we have more of such days...
ok then...I think I have written a lot!hope you enjoyed it!! :)