Yesterday was my mum's birthday. My mum very much wanted us to make her dinner. Since it was her wish, we decided to make it come true....
So the night before, my sister and I were sitting in front of the internet and searching for recipes. My good-for-nothing sister were picking out all the hardest dishes one can ever find...she was just too over-excited. Obviously I would have to do most of the cooking...Anyways, after much "heated discussions", we decided to make chicken manchurian and mushroom curry. In case my sister reads this post..I have to let you guys know this. My sister found the mushroom curry recipe while I found the chicken manchurian recipe. So we printed out the recipes and decided to cook in the afternoon on the next day....
The next afternoon, at around 2pm, we decided to start cooking. I looked at the recipes and realised we didn't have some of the ingredients. Both of us went to the supermarket nearby at least twice!Finally...when we had all of the things, we started. My sister, instead of doing anything constructive, kept bullying me...while I was trying to follow the recipe. She kept taking ugly pictures of me!! She helped me grate the ginger though..that was about all the useful work she did...I will let the pictures do the talking...

That's me reading the recipe and figuring out the next step, next is my sister grating the ginger and the last is our maid...she helped us cut the onions and all that stuff.
That's me cooking....

Looks good isn't it??I am proud to say that they tasted as well as they looked:D...But I have one confession to mum helped me abit here and there. However, we did most of the cooking. The whole afternoon was well worth most importantly my mum loved it!