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Plunged into a world, of darkness,a world,of emptiness,a world,which is simply meaningless.A lone figure,shivering from the cold,feeling not very bold,but numb,as much as she can gather.Blinded by uncertainty,she just keeps on walking,with only one thought, that keeps her going,the thought, of finding that light eventually.She can see,that light,the tiny light,that would set her free,from this pain that only she can feel.But the light is so far away,making her fear,that she would never, after many days,get near.She wishes she had someone,to hold her hand,as she walks on,this difficult and dirty land.Though she has been scarred,along the way,though it is hard,not to astray,it has to be shown,that she can do this,even if she is all alone.She has to make sure,that she never loses sight,of that light,and is able to endure,everything,with a fight....
Okay, I know the title sounds weird...but keep on reading and it will all make sense to you. Trust me on this... It all started during our one week study break in April. The 3 famous musketeers were feeling very bored one day and so we decided to do something which we have never done on our own before....we decided to COOK!!!!We planned on making an indian dish called Puri Bhaji which is basically potato curry and puri. For those who do not know what puri is... then picture a smaller version of paratha but much softer and fluffier. I hope I made sense....I can't think of any other way to explain. Anyways, if some of you still do not understand, jz ask your indian friends. The best part was that NONE of us had any idea on how to make. Musketeer 1 and I called our mothers up and got hold of the recipe. Our mothers were a little skeptical about this whole thing...which made us even more determined to prove them that we CAN cook...
All of us went to the supermarket with our list and bought all the ingredients that were needed. After which, we went to the kitchen and started on our ummm....i shall call it...*little experiment*...
So we were all allocated to certain tasks. Musketeer 2 was in charge of cutting and she was cutting in such precision like as if she was going to create some art masterpiece or something....musketeer 1 was in charge of making the dough for the puris and well I was helping both of them out here and there....After a while, this is where we have gone so far...
look how carefully musketeer 2 is cutting....
dough made for the puris...
Now that the preliminaries were over...we were now going to do the main part....the curry and our puris. Since we did not have the proper wooden roller, we had to innovate one...Though it was not as good, it served our purpose at least...
 we used cardboard roll and plastic wrapped around it to prevent the dough from sticking...u got to say....we were creative....All 3 of us were taking turns using it and made 19 round puris...though none of them turned out as round as expected... Meanwhile, we started with our curry. Though we had the recipe, we had no idea how much we had to add each of the ingredient. We used our own judgement and I must say...we are really good... Looks really good doesn't it?? It had a really nice smell and tasted really really great too!
We had to deep-fry those puris we made. It is supposed to fluff up once it is put into the oil. Oh before that, I better tell you what I did. My 2 friends will make sure that this part is told...and they tend to exaggerate as usual...So this is what exactly happened. After the curry was done, we had to heat up another pan full with oil for the deep frying. So we were waiting for the oil to heat up and since we were using a hot plate instead of a stove, it was taking a lot of time. I was the one checking the oil and I thought after a while that the oil must have heated up. My friends were hesitating but I confidently told them to put in the puris. One of the puris was put in BUT nothing happened!!! The oil WASN'T heated up yet!!!The poor puri had to be thrown away...all thanks to my stupidity....*sigh* Anyways, we waited for a little while longer and then when we were sure, then the others were put in. Unfortunately, our puris were not fluffing up as they are supposed to...and top of that, they weren't soft...they turned out to be as HARD as biscuits!We were pretty sad about that but it was our first time after all... 
This was the final result....taste-wise they were really great! In other words, we were kind of successful. As we were afraid of other people criticising our puris, we decided to have them all for ourselves. That was our dinner that day.... In case you are still wondering about the title...well...we felt as if we were daughter-in-laws cooking dinner for the family. So for that moment, we felt as if we were being transported to the future. Hence, the title... We were quite satisfied with our results and proudly showed off the pictures to our much so that we thought of doing this again one day...
Some people have been pestering me continuously to update my blog....seriously they jz don't have the patience...*sighs*...As I was racking my brains on what to write next, somebody gave me this really brilliant topic which would be interesting to share. So....without further ado, I would like to present my much-awaited post...*takes a bow*...
One fine evening...if I remember correctly...a thursday, my whole gang were sitting at the dining hall, eating our same old pathetic dinner and getting really bored as usual. Suddenly one of my friends said, "Why don't we go drinking?" Instantly, my whole gang became quiet...each of us thinking...should I or should I the end, everyone agreed to go. Since we were going out, the girls in our gang....more famously known as the "3 musketeers"...rushed to our rooms to change and look a bit more..umm..presentable. Sadly, guys can never understand this need in girls to look presentable and were given 15 min to get ready.
We called a few of other friends and together went to a pub situated in our university campus but unfortunately, the pub was closed. We were cursing our luck. Finally, this friend of ours knew of this pub down the road. He led the way and we jz followed. Trust me girls, never go out with a huge group of guys or if you do, make sure you wear COMFORTABLE shoes...we girls couldn't keep up with the pace for one thing and we had to walk a long distance to reach the place!One of the 3 musketeers, musketeer 1, will drink at every opportunity that she gets. She and a couple of guys got vodka sprite and 2 guys got beers. The 2 other musketeers, mainly my friend and I, and 2 guys don't drink and so we got coke. After hanging out for a while, we decided to go somewhere else. We took the bus to the city...and lo and behold...a lot of our hostel mates boarded the same bus!They were all going clubbing and we decided to follow them...
We entered the club and my dear friend, musketeer 1 (as expected), and 2 guys had rum with coke..which was, by the way too strong. Music was great and we all went to dance. You should see the other musketeer( musketeer 2), looked really HOT!!!By the way, I wasn't turned on...its jz a passing comment. I can surely do with a few lessons cos seriously...I am very pathetic in dancing. So there we were dancing and enjoying ourselves in this huge group for about 2 hours and then we decided to leave and catch the last bus. From here is where this story really begins...yes yes i know..finally...
So after the dance, when we were all about to leave, musketeer 1 suddenly leaned onto one of my friends. We were all wondering what happened suddenly. I seriously thought she was feeling sick...yup it was a STUPID thought...but hey it was my first time experiencing all this. Apparently, she was HIGH after drinking jz 2 DRINKS?!?! She started talking a lot of nonsense and giggling non-stop. She kept blabbering about how my friend didn't dance with her but with musketeer 2...she was acting like a jealous admirer...*eyes wide open in disbelief* After which, she nearly went into some other pub jz to dance and was pulling musketeer 2 along as well!She still wanted to have TEQUILA SHOTS on top of that!!As if she wasn't high enough...We missed the bus anyway and decided to catch taxis. The group separated and I was with musketeer 1 and my other friend. So we were waiting to catch a taxi. Meanwhile, she kept on saying, "I want to sit down"...and when she was sitted, she wanted to stand up...and it went on and on...she also kept on talking about how she missed her boyfriend. Finally, I found a taxi and we went back with her blabbering away.
We managed to bring her back to her room somehow. My friend and I jz ordered her to go to sleep which she soo wasn't interested in doing. She suddenly screamed at my friend to leave her room. We thought she would go to sleep and so all of us went to our respective rooms. Meanwhile, the other group also came back safe and sound. Musketeer 2 lives right next to her thankfully. As I was getting ready to go to sleep, I suddenly got a call..from...musketeer 1!!!She wasn't sleeping at all..and wanted me to come over!I simply rushed to her room and saw that she was lying on her bed all curled up, talking nonsense and even PREDICTING THE FUTURE *hint hint* As I said, luckily, musketeer 2 was there. The other friend who brought her back, came over too and 3 of us were trying to get her to sleep. Boy was she stubborn....arghhh....She was acting like ONE BIG BABY. She shouted at my other friend again to leave the room and 3 of us just left her alone in her room and crashed over at musketeer 2's room. In this way, at least we could hear her if she left the room. That night, for some reason, the whole floor was filled with drunk people...Anyways, we ended up watching Incredibles and Shrek 2 as we waited. We didn't realise that she actually left her room twice and in the end, I jz went to her room and screamed at her to go to sleep. At last, after screaming at her 2 more times, she fell asleep. The 3 of us were in musketeer 2's room for about 2 hrs and we couldn't take it anymore and we went back to our rooms and went to sleep.
Next day, I got this call from musketeer 1 in the morning, with a cheery voice and trying to sound sweet...doesn't work with me girl...and my friend and I went to her room and recounted whatever she did last night. We had a good laugh and she kept on insisting that she didn't do any of those things. In the end she said, "I drank with the intention of getting high"Man, why didn't she WARN us earlier!!!Both of us gave her a very good scolding...especially my friend. The rest of day goes by normally...but none of us forgot that night EVER.
So yea...this was my very first experience dealing with a person getting least now I know what to do if it happens again..So the MORAL of this story is: NEVER bring musketeer 1 for drinks...and take note...she is PYSCHIC when she is high...
Hmmm....writing a post for the first time is proving to be a very difficult task for me....cos firstly I am not tat great in writing and secondly I can't think of anything interesting to write!!!yea yea...i know that while reading this, you would love to tell me that posts don't have to be perfect essays...they are just means of sharing my thoughts n fact I can already hear some of my friends telling me these....but still I am a perfectionist...i want everything to be perfect *shrugs* So you must be wondering why on the earth I started a blog if I am finding it so hard to write in the first let me just explain myself...
- I started it cos I am majorly bored down here in Perth....oh in case you are wondering...I am studying here and I am far far away from my family *sigh* anyways I mean no offense but life here in Perth can only be concluded in just one word- boring. Its a very quiet place and not many people around nor many things to do. Everything down here..shops especially..close super early and the only kind of nightlife that's available here is...pubbing or clubbing. This is especially bad for people like me who are used to going out shopping at night and who are jz not that pubbing or clubbing type. So as you can see there isn't much to do here.
- Secondly...sometimes I jz get sick and tired of studying and I want to do something different other than visiting my friends and jz chit chatting. I want to start some kind of hobby or something that will sustain my interest and look forward to or make my life a little bit interesting. I realised maybe blogging may help..
- Thirdly...its jz plain INFLUENCE...most of my friends have blogs and looking at them thinking and writing something suddenly inspired me to do the same. of my friends down here has been pushing me to start a blog for a very loooooonnng i decided to jz give it a try...
- Lastly...I jz wanted to make sure that I don't lose touch with my "artistic" side. Not to sound boastful but my essays in school were pretty ok...especially my stories...but I stopped writing stories and stuff after graduating from school doesn't help that I cant stand writing at all...
I know some of my friends would be thinking that I am such a hypocrite...I always used to say that I would never start a blog cos it takes up waaayyy to much time and blah blah...and here I am starting one...but I have justified myself and well...from now on..I would try my best to write and share "interesting" things... ok then..i think this is more than enough for the first post! I will be writing more the next time..