Plunged into a world,
of darkness,
a world,
of emptiness,
a world,
which is simply meaningless.
A lone figure,
shivering from the cold,
feeling not very bold,
but numb,
as much as she can gather.
Blinded by uncertainty,
she just keeps on walking,
with only one thought,
that keeps her going,
the thought,
of finding that light eventually.
She can see,
that light,
the tiny light,
that would set her free,
from this pain that only she can feel.
But the light is so far away,
making her fear,
that she would never,
after many days,
get near.
She wishes she had someone,
to hold her hand,
as she walks on,
this difficult and dirty land.
Though she has been scarred,
along the way,
though it is hard,
not to astray,
it has to be shown,
that she can do this,
even if she is all alone.
She has to make sure,
that she never loses sight,
of that light,
and is able to endure,
with a fight....
....And so you fought and won it all, is that why they call you -
"Shreosi, the Almighty' Gal?
Shreosi, the above comment was by apoorva!
Apoorva Joshi, why are you mocking my fren? You bad bad boy!! :p
Babes, that was an awesome poem! And please, next time post a HAPPY poem!!!
MR APOORVA JOSHI!!!how DARE u mock me????hahaha:p
anyways...wat made u think that the poem was abt me?it can be abt any girl...so ur comment is totally out of pt...
Ya right the poem wasnt about you! Nonsense! :p
Medha: expected u to take my side...hehehe:p
thx so much for ur comment!!to write a HAPPY poem, i must firstly be in a HAPPY mood n secondly i mz be in the 'poetic' mood...usually, wen i am truly HAPPY, the poetic mood jz disappears...soo jz accept the fact that i write SAD poems...hehe:p
Eh...medha...dun talk so much..im the one who wrote the poem so i KNOW...hahaha:p
mood? i tot u were going to kill me? how come i am still typing this? =p?
wats up with the poem girl?!?!?!? i know its not abt u...but why the sad poem?!?
Mansi:u jz wait....im jz waitin for the perfect opportunity to KILL u...:p
eh nadya...i jz love writing sad poems...i find it much easier to write those...jz tolerate them...:p
hey nice poem :) sad but meaningful i love it! hee i rmb u used to show me the poems u wrote in the exercise book of yours lol
no....i just dont get it...why sad poems?? happy poems are easy to write as well.... pls... excuses excuses.. tsk tsk tsk
Nadya, she just needs to start hanging out with people other than Medha....
Anyone around Medha becomes sad.... hence the poems! Lets call it the 'Medha Effect'
WHY YOUU.....!!!!!..grrrr.... :@:@
You are just SO DEADDD!!!
I do NOT make people sad!! Hmpph!
SOOO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!! :P lol
no, not sad really..its more like...depressed...
So MUCH for being my next door neighbour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :@
im a good girl...i agree with the truth and ONLY the truth :P
Good girl, MY FOOT!!!
Hey ming choo!!!
thx for ur comment...yup..i rmb all the times i used to write poems and i used to show it to u...sigh..those wre the days...i hpe ur dng well!!:D
finally a POSITIVE comment abt my poem...ur my bestest fren!!!hahaha:p
how can u say bad things abt medha???u shld be ashamed of urself...hahaha...anyways...ur gng to be in BIG trouble wif medha
Nadya n medha:eh u guys...dun use MY blog to quarrel wif each other pls....u guys live jz NEXT door!!!!jz open both of ur doors n scold as many bad words as both of u want...hahahaha:p
medha..rmb...I am on UR side...so dun worry so much..tog we cn thrash nadya...hehehe:p
hey mayank..wat r u doing here?!?!?!? n yea...PLS..pls.. dont get me started on u abt making things sound wrong.. DONT spoil shreosis precious poem... reading it is depressing enuf ;)
n shreosi, me n medha make a better team thrashing u than she n u thrashing me :P
Nice poem Shreosi. How many hours you took to write these lines ? I would not be able to write such a poem in days...forget hours.
I have one question .. If the world is filled with "emptiness" whom does "she" fight ?
Nadya and medha: eh...i know that both of u CANNOT live without me...so stop all those BIG BIG talks...hahaha:p
n nadya..watever u say..my poem is NOT depressing!!!
Mayank: thx a lot for ur comments...n i dun tink u cn consider this as a cat fight...it would more likely be a BOXING match...
Sameer: for ur own record..i took less than half an hr to write it...
n mr sameer...pls READ the poem CAREFULLY...i didn LITERALLY mean that the world IS filled with "EMPTINESS" AND that "she" IS going to fight with SOMEONE...
hey sherosi great piece of work!!
didn't know you had this hidden talent.. :)
and btw the link to my blog is incorrect..
hey charu...
how ru dng???haha...yup i love writing poems:)...n i realised the link is wrong...i shall go n change it now...catch up wif u soon!
hey babe thanks for your comments on my blog.. i too have just discovered the nack for writing shayri. haha not too good. but i enjoy writing them. :)
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