Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I was "verbally" tagged and the person who tagged me would not leave me alone till I wrote this..hehe..and since I am taking a break from my studying anyways I might as well do it. Here are a few of my secrets...

1. I absolutely LOVE anything sweet! I got a bad case of sweet tooth.

2. I am a perfectionist. If something is under my responsibility, I want it to be perfect.

3. I can learn a new song very fast and I can sing it back to you exactly as it is sung.

4. I can remember people's faces and events extremely well. I can't remember people's names or the names of places for that matter.

5. I can remember conversations too. I have no problem in recalling what someone told me a year ago.

6. I can be so insensitive sometimes that it scares me.

7. I am a romantic at heart. I don't tend to show it but sometimes I do like all that mushy-gushy stuff..though not all the time.

8. I have a phobia for exams ever since primary school.

9. My mind goes completely blank (which is rare) and I will start smiling ridiculously (which is again rare) at the sight of my cuddly bear.

10. I absolutely HATE rain! I find rain very depressing. Not to mention it gets cold and harder to travel around AND my clothes gets wet!

Well, if you do not mind sharing 10 of your secrets, then go ahead and write about it. I am not going to tag anyone "verbally" nor online..hehe :P


M said...

There should be a number 11.

11) I am ridiculously BAD with directions!! Its been tested and PROVEN!


Also number 3 should be continued.

....and i will sing in such a high pitch voice untill the windows and friend's earbdrums BURST!


shreosi said...

medha: darlingg..since u already know abt my hopeless directions..then its not a secret nemore is it?? :P:P

n i DUN go high pitch alwaysss!!! hehehe :P:P

Anonymous said...

hmm theres another secret....

heard of gold digger? well she's a special kind of gold digger and addicted to it :P

Anonymous said...

1. I absolutely LOVE anything sweet! I got a bad case of sweet tooth.

anyways yeah im flying off on 25thjune... i hope i dun get too homesick:/